Windmill Ranch Preserve

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My Grand-dad's house

My grand-dad's house burned down today. He built it himself w/ the help of some fine craftsmen in Snyder. He raised two children there. I lived there as a lil' boy. I still remember playing cowboys and indians on the front lawn. Now, it's gone--but not for lack of trying by some wonderful volunteers.
Randals' Corner is STILL Randals' Corner, but now w/ out the house. You see, my grand-dad (who I never met, but heard wonderful stories about) built it, more than 50-years ago. I'm moving back to Snyder w/ my family (four kids). We hoped to live in that great old house. But, we'll be okay.
We'll be okay b/c I saw first hand the incredible community response to help control or at least maintain a dire situation. KEY Drilling came on scene with not one, not two, but many 18-wheeler water trucks. I saw one, volunteer firefighter rip off her gear and run to her truck. She was checking on her two, young children waiting patiently in the cab of the pickup while mommy put out the fire. AMAZING!
Yes, the house is gone. We've cried. But Snyder, smile and be aware! We're surrounded by wonderful people willing to stop their day to help other people.
My grand-dad's house is gone, but that's okay. It's okay because we live in a town where people try.. they help.. they come to the rescue.. they try. And you know what? I've lived in plenty of towns where that doesn't happen.
Thank you to those fine people who helped build my grand-dad's house and thank you to those fine people (50+ yrs later,) who tried to save it.
Bill Robertson... Dick Randals' grandson.


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