Windmill Ranch Preserve

Thursday, May 18, 2006

My best flat ever & truck trouble X 3

In the last 24 hours, I've had one truck almost explode, another electronically die and a third blow a tire.. My best flat ever!
This story begins around 9am yesterday. The old truck, as we call it, all but exploded on the way to town. I knew it had problems. I could hear the knocking of the engine. So, I drove it (tried to) into town for an expert's opinion. You gotta meet Bubba, but that's another story.
Anyway, I'm about three miles from the ranch or just east of the 'flashing light' and all of a sudden... GRRRRRRRRR.... CRRRRRRRRRRRRK... GUHRUUUUUUUUUUUNK... CLICK, CLICK, CLICK... no power.
I pull over behind the smoking hood. To make a long story short, Bubba says it's KAPUT! What would you expect from a 1970 Chevy with 200k+ miles or so?
Then, later that same day.. the newest truck (1999 Ford) quits. It won't start, it won't light up.. it won't do nothin'! Bubba says it's the battery. So, I get a new battery. It works for less than 24 hours. Long story short, Bubba says I got big problems. Bubba's investigating. Keep in mind, if Bubba says it's broke--it's broke. Bubba knows engines. On top of that, he's a great guy, who runs a good business. Bubba is car repair in Snyder.
Then, earlier today.. I'm heading into town on an errand. I'm about a mile from Randals' Corner and I hear.. ZUGGA, ZUGGA, ZUGGA.... BAM! The next thing I know, the ole white truck's veering at 45-degrees into the oncoming traffic. I'm on the phone. I look up.. thank goodness an 18 wheeler's not bearing down on me. I drift into the left side oncoming shoulder. My left front tire's nothing but a mangled piece of rubber. I can't even make out the tire name.. it looks like M... c... l...n.
So in 24 hours, I've had three vehicles quit or try to quit on me. It's comical. By this point, I"m on the side of the road, covered in a day's worth of dust and laughing.
Long story short.. Max (who knows nothing about plumbing) and I changed the tire and I went about my errands.
The good news is.. the old truck DIDN'T explode.. the NEW truck didn't electrocute me and the ole white truck didn't slam into oncoming traffic. Coulda been worse.
Bill Robertson.
PS... I sure hope Bubba finds out what's wrong with the new truck, at least it's tires aren't old.


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