Windmill Ranch Preserve

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The pool, shed and water fountain

As is if we didn't have enough to do out here, we're on the verge of beginning at least three pretty big projects. They are; a pool, a big tool shed and a rustic-but fun looking water fountain.
The pool's easily the biggest. The plan is to take an old concrete livestock tank (that my father built in the late 50s) and turn it into an above ground pool. It's about 5' deep by approximately 25' in diameter. The pool's really not the problem. We have a handle on the necessary equipment. It's the deck that's the sticking point. But whatever we decide, guaranteed you'll have a pretty good sized deck (under the trademark windmill) to sun yourself or watch nature's TV on the horizon.
Next on the priority list is the water fountian, on the southside of the pavilion. We're using three, varying sized galvanized livestock troughs. One will be higher than the other to create a fall. We plan to create aquaducts from number one to number two and into number three. That way, you sit on the pavilion's front porch and listen to the falling water. We're hoping (and we're pretty sure about this) every bird w/in 50-miles will come for a bath and a drink.
And then, there's the shed. This probably should be priority #1--but it's not. We need to store everything from our new tractor to our old shovel. The plan is: build a 15' x 25' storage area with a 'shed' roof behind our kitchen area. I just flattened out a pretty good sized dirt mound.. next is---well, I dunno.
Anyway, that's today's progress report. We have at least three big projects and countless lil' ones.
Bill Robertson


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