Windmill Ranch Preserve

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Rain & My Tractor experiece.

Have you ever driven a tractor with a stuck accelerator? It's a ride.. but I get ahead of myself.
I just got back to the ranch, after a 10-day trip to see my two oldest graduate from high school. Great trip.. kids are wonderful.. wife is beautiful.. all will be Texans by next week.. thank God!!!
Anyway while I was gone, it rained. Not much--but enough. I returned to WRP to find most everything covered up in forbes.. those are weeds that look good.
Well, I'm a city boy. So, I said "I gotta mow." The rub is, I don't have a mower.. yet. So, I rented a tractor with a shredder (that's a mower w/ dull blades to you and me). Then, I start mowing (shredding)
It's a good thing that I didn't wipe out everything in sight. This mower (shredder) had an accelerator that varied btw very, very slow and almost out of control. I opted for almost out of control. If you know nothing else about me.. know this, I'm very impatient.
So here I am atop this giant green machine going what feels like 50mph over sunflowers, forbes (weeds) and almost everything else in my path. I'm turning this giant steering wheel, I still can't feel my fanny thanks to the tremendous vibration.. grass, forbes, weeds and flowers are going everywhere.. and I'm holding on for dear life.
Well, low and behold.. it worked and it looks great. I and the big green machine with the dull mower conquered mother nature. I've since returned the out of control tractor to the rental store. But now I've noticed... the grass, weeds, forbes and flowers are making a comeback.
Oh no.. I hope that accelerator's fixed.
Bill Robertson


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