Windmill Ranch Preserve

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Exercising with Max

Good morning! I've started exercising with Max. Actually, a better lead sentence would be; Coffee, tea, guns and walking with Max. Remember, he's the guy who knows nothing about plumbing?

We started walking because his doctor said he needed exercise. So now, we meet up @ the ranch @ 7:30 most weekday mornings and hit the trails/roads. Believe me, we are a far cry, a very far cry, from those walkers who walk heal/toe, heal/toe and move their elbows like they're making a made dash for the potty. We're even a pretty far cry from the mall walkers.

So far, our method is all west Texas. Max carries a BIG jug of "mo" tea. I'm not sure what "mo" means, but he's been saying that ever since I met him. He also carries a pretty big pistol, or as he calls it his "shooter". He's yet to pull the trigger, but we're armed in case of attack. I carry a big mug of hot coffee.

As of this writing, we don't have a course. We don't even know how far we walk. We head north some days, south others. We walk, talk. Max stops to blow his nose. Every now and again, we pause to check out fresh tracks. Just yesterday, we stopped to investigate a "serpent" track. By the way, a serpent is "Max talk" for a snake. We never saw the snake. In fact, we've seen very few snakes.

So, I'm not sure you could classify what Max and I do as exercising. It's more like taking a relaxing, early morning walk to wakeup, plan the day, check out the flora and fauna and just enjoy the quiet of the ranch. But, we're armed with a "shooter" loaded with "bull-yets" just in case.

Come on out. I'll make you a mug of "mo" tea or a cup of coffee if you'd like to take a walk. I can't give you a gun. But truthfully, I don't think you'll need it.

Bill Robertson
Mgr., Windmill Ranch Preserve


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