Windmill Ranch Preserve

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Quiet Sunday Morning

I guess there are other places that are more quiet on a Sunday morning, but I don't think I've ever been there. Keep in mind, I can't remember what I had for supper last night.

It really is uncanny. I awoke this morning around 7:00, late for me. And for some reason, I decided to make some coffee and read vs get straight to work. I gotta tell you; it's been the most relaxing, satisfying, enlightening couple hours in a long time.

Here I sat in a big, overstuffed leather chair, my feet up on a stool, reading, drinking coffee, watching birds, giant sunflowers, listening the rustling breeze. Heck, I even wrote a real letter.

I don't know why I felt complelled to write this, except, it's been a long time since I've felt able to just 'chill out.' I guess I'd forgotten that that is what the Windmill Ranch is all about... Chillin' out, reflecting, stopping for a moment to enjoy what was created long, long before I got here and what I've been able to add to it.

My family and I envisioned our ranch as a place to share. We always intended for expected and unexpected guests to drop in for a brief or not so brief stay. I guess I had forgotten how little time it takes to simply enjoy what's given.

Bill Robertson
Mgr., Windmill Ranch Preserve


  • At 3:23 PM, Blogger Shawn and SGTex said…

    Enjoying your blog!

    Hope to come out w/my man one of these days and do that tenting thing you've got goin' on...and will certainly plan on ordering up some rain for the occasion!

    Hope you don't mind, but I put your blog site on our blog's link list. We're XOXOShawn&SGTexOXOX at

    :+) Shawn (and Tex)


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