Lola and Mule
I've always heard that men are visual ( I am ) and women are something else, but definitely not visual.
Apparently this belief system, whether innate, primal, or whatever carries over into the dog world.
You see, my beautiful yellow lab named Lola has a boyfriend and he's ugly. In fact, he's so ugly we call him Mule. We call him that because his ears are tremendously out of sync with the rest of his body.
Mule's obviously a mongrel. There's nothing wrong with that. But he's plain ole, ugly. As I heard someone around here describe him, "he's as ugly as a mud fence." I have no idea what equals a mud fence, but if it looks anything like Mule then it's not pretty.
To aggravate the situation, I don't need or want anymore animals out here. First, I had Lola and Curly (the black cocker spaniel). Then somehow, I inherited my mothers aging and mean schnauzer, Griffin. Actually, he was mean until he got run over by a truck on opening day of dove season last year. Now, he's actually kind of nice. I guess he's just happy to be alive. Still, he stinks. And, he's ALWAYS hungry.
But back to Lola and Mule. If they were people, it'd be like the high school ugly boy hookin' up with the prom queen. You gotta believe he's saying to himself, 'bite me, sniff me.. this is too good to be true.'
I don't really mind him. He's kind of a nice, ugly dog. What I think I'm going to mind, is a litter of ugly puppies. We've all decided that if the puppies have big ears like Mule, we'll name 'em jackass 1,2,3,4,5,.....
Come on out. See Mule. He's nice enough. But I bet you buck; you'll think he's ugly too.
Bill Robertson
Mgr., Windmill Ranch Preserve
Apparently this belief system, whether innate, primal, or whatever carries over into the dog world.
You see, my beautiful yellow lab named Lola has a boyfriend and he's ugly. In fact, he's so ugly we call him Mule. We call him that because his ears are tremendously out of sync with the rest of his body.
Mule's obviously a mongrel. There's nothing wrong with that. But he's plain ole, ugly. As I heard someone around here describe him, "he's as ugly as a mud fence." I have no idea what equals a mud fence, but if it looks anything like Mule then it's not pretty.
To aggravate the situation, I don't need or want anymore animals out here. First, I had Lola and Curly (the black cocker spaniel). Then somehow, I inherited my mothers aging and mean schnauzer, Griffin. Actually, he was mean until he got run over by a truck on opening day of dove season last year. Now, he's actually kind of nice. I guess he's just happy to be alive. Still, he stinks. And, he's ALWAYS hungry.
But back to Lola and Mule. If they were people, it'd be like the high school ugly boy hookin' up with the prom queen. You gotta believe he's saying to himself, 'bite me, sniff me.. this is too good to be true.'
I don't really mind him. He's kind of a nice, ugly dog. What I think I'm going to mind, is a litter of ugly puppies. We've all decided that if the puppies have big ears like Mule, we'll name 'em jackass 1,2,3,4,5,.....
Come on out. See Mule. He's nice enough. But I bet you buck; you'll think he's ugly too.
Bill Robertson
Mgr., Windmill Ranch Preserve
At 8:48 AM,
Judy said…
Having met both Lola and Mule, I have to admit I am taken by their affection for each other, and for the people around them. I am greeted every morning by Mule scurrying over for his morning neck scratch - followed closely by Lola - afraid she'll miss out on some valuable attention if she doesn't accompany him! I am fortunate to have them in my life, if even for a short 4-day stay!
At 8:48 AM,
Judy said…
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