Windmill Ranch Preserve

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

People Put in your Path

One of the definite highlights about living in a small town is if you want, you can stop at any point and have a wonderful conversation while the world keeps spinning.
At first read you might think, who can't? In that case let me ask you; can you stop right now and strike up a conversation with an old friend, a clerk at the store, a friend of a friend, a relative? In my previous life, I felt I couldn't and I definitely didn't. In fact, my ex-wife told me her friends didn't like getting me on the phone. Can't really blame 'em. I loathed talking on the phone. The truth is, I still do many times. However, I think I'm getting better.
The whole point of this blog is I just had the most pleasant conversation with a woman friend of my mom's, who every time I see her or speak to her I smile. She's just that kind of gal. She can take a joke, give one too. Still, she always strikes me as genuinely interested.
Her name is Carol. She called asking for my mom's new cell number b/c she wanted to check on an old friend taking a cruise in the path of a hurricane. It turns out that we covered everything from dove season to my children. She told me jokes, laughed, gave advice, listened and more. I gotta say that everyday (if I'll slow down and let it) the little things overwelm me out here in little Snyder, TX.
Do you know someone like Carol? Do you feel you're too overwelmed to stop and chat, too busy to listen, too flumaxed to tell the truth about the way you feel? My experience albeit very, very, very recent and extremely limited is; people (maybe things) are put in your path at a certain time for a reason. I'm just now realizing that if I shut up, slow down, realize that I'm not curing cancer and just pay attention to the people like Carol put in my path--it can make my day.
I don't know if you have someone like Carol in your path, but I'm glad she called today.
Bill Robertson
Mgr., Windmill Ranch Preserve


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