Windmill Ranch Preserve

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Two things you can't fix

I just got back from the hardware store with either a new saying or a great piece of advice. I'm not sure which.
What you need to know first is, this is a place that I go everyday. In fact, I'm there so often that when I leave--they don't say "have a nice day" or "thanks for your business" or even "come back!"
I'm @ this store so often that they say, "see ya in about an hour." It's true. I counted one day that I went to this particular store 11 times. That's ELEVEN! The good news is; now I'm down to two or three times a day. The truth is, I can rate my day on how frequently or rarely I go to the hardware store. A great day is once. A miracle is zero.
The place is called "Southern Electric". It's a family owned place. I'm in there so often that not only do I know the men who work behind the counter by their first names. I know their wives first names and most of their children. But if you're ever in Snyder and need anything from a lightbulb to lumber, this is your place. These guys know their stuff and that leads me to either the good advice or new saying I got on my last visit.
I was buying wasp spray and just happend to ask, 'do any of you know a good plaster man?' To that, Richard said, "oh you can do it." I think Johnny said, "it's not that hard." But it was Wally, who's son is Corbin, who cracked his shoulder in football practice yesterday who said, "Bill, there are only two things you can't fix."
I asked, "What are those Wally?" He said, "you can't weld shut the crack of dawn and you can't mend a broken heart."
Good advice or great saying? You be the judge.
Bill Robertson
Mgr., Windmill Ranch Preserve


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