Windmill Ranch Preserve

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Are Your Hobbies? Honestly.

Our local newspaper has this great section at the bottom of its front page called "Meet Your Neighbor." Each day, they profile a local person, tell where they're from, announce their hobbies and more.

I often wondered if I'd honestly answer the 'hobby question.' The truth is my hobbies are; playing golf, drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and watching TV.. not necessarilly in that order, but true.

The question is, how would I answer if asked. I dunno. The point is, a 1,000 acre ranch is a great place to practice just about any shot in golf.

Before I write more, you gotta know the 'back-story.' I once played golf like most people eat. That is, if I wasn't playing, I was practicing @ the golf course, if I wasn't practicing @ the golf course, I was practicing with wiffle balls in a vacant lot, if I wasn't playing or practicing-I was watching the Golf Channel. And if I wasn't doing any of the above, I was probably watching a golf themed movie. I know "Happy Gilmore" and "Tincup" from start to finish. Got it?! I played a lot of golf. Too much golf.

I do not recommend the above scenario. In fact, I gave up the game except for the occasional nine holes. The truth is, the few times I've played in the recent past, I've put away just about all golf 'things', like gloves, fancy shoes, expensive balls, any 'golf gear.' Now when I play, I don't keep score, I wear flip flops, my glove(s) stays in the bag and the balls are the cheapest things I can find @ WalMart.

Now to the point. The Windmill Ranch is approximately 1,000 acres. I played golf recently. So, I caught a touch of the 'hit it straight and far bug.' I figured this afternoon---what the heck. Go hit a few balls.

If you've ever played golf, you know. The point is hit the ball to a target. Know your distance. Know your swing. And you know; the first thing you lose if you don't play is your 'touch.' Suffice it say, I've lost my touch.

Here's the picture. I have a pretty, bermuda grass area that runs from our pool (foreshadowing) to our flag pole and some big life like metal horses (more foreshadowing). Within the last two hours, I grabbed four (cheap) balls out of my bag and my 60-degree (if you don't know, you don't play).

I started with my back to the pool, aiming west toward the flag pole, about 75 yds. The first shot flew pretty true--off target by 5 feet short and three feet left, a make-able two putt. The second shot, not so good. The third shot was even better than first.

Next, I stepped off the shots to measure distance and accuracy. Then, I re-loaded by the flag pole.
Long story short, the next few 'back and forths' went okay. I didn't break any windows, thank goodness. Then shooting back toward the pool, the swing felt good, but a non-existent divot told the story. I hit a big flier. It sailed high and pretty with a slight draw, but disappeared.

If you're thinking it went in the pool, you're right. No worries. I'm down to two balls. So, I continue the back and forth. Things are going okay. Then, bloop! Another ball in the drink. So now, I'm down to one ball & facing west toward the flag pole and the metal horses.. remember them.

My worst enemy in golf has always been my head, too may swing thoughts. Here I am. I'm lined up with perfect aim to the flag pole. It's 75 yards, approximately a half swing. I remember an old GOLF CHANNEL line: say "Cindy" on your backswing and "Crawford" on your follow through for balance.

So why not. I mumbled "Cindy/Crawford" and klank. The only ball I have squirts right, tail hooks left and dives. It dives straight into one of the three metal horses. That''d be okay, but metal richotes. The ball hit horse #1 with a CLANG, bounced high and right. Then, it powdered the middle horse in the right ear.

So, if you'r visiting-don't look @ horse #2's ears, they don't match. Suffice it to say, I collected my lone ball, spotted the two others in the pool and fired up a cigarette.

So I guess if the newspaper ever comes to me for their "Meet Your Neighbor" piece, I'll probably say one of my hobbies is golf, but add 'FORE!" (and, "you gotta a lighter?)


Bill Robertson
Mgr., Windmill Ranch Preserve


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