Windmill Ranch Preserve

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Coffee before sunrise

I have a lot of favorite times at the Windmill Ranch. But this one may be my 'most' favorite. It's coffee before sunrise.
Right now, it's 7:12am and still pitch black. I can remember less than a month ago when we had plenty of light by 7am. But not now.
I think what I enjoy most about the early morning dark is.. I (or you) get to see and hear the day as it comes to life. Right now, it's very quiet.. very! But in a matter of minutes, a bird, critter, dog or anything else will be begin to stir.
Then almost simultaneously, the sun will begin to peek through the trees to the east of the pavilion. Then, the wildlife begin to rustle, bustle and move. Then almost instantly, it's like the alarm's sounded and the bus has arrived. Everything starts moving. The change in nature's volume goes from almost nothing to conspicuous.
It feels like I have a front row seat to something no one's ever seen. Each day is a lil' different.
Come visit. See for yourself. But don't worry. If you want to sleep in, nature won't wait--but a new show starts w/out warning.
Bill Robertson
Mgr., Windmill Ranch Preserve


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